

そして あまり見る機会のない?サンゴの食事風景をタイムラプスでお届けします。
海に沈む宝石 「サンゴ」は
長い年月をかけ ようやく創り上げた “奇跡の色彩美” です!
まさに “宝石を散りばめたような” 美しさが広がります

そんなサンゴを正しい知識と 正しい技術で
Coralmonster _ コーラルモンスター
大阪府松原市丹南3丁目3-22 パルティール1F

ホームページ … https://coralmonster.net/
Twitter … https://twitter.com/coral_monster/
Instagram … https://www.instagram.com/coralmonster0501/
Facebook … https://www.facebook.com/coralmonster0501
LINE … https://page.line.me/pmw0586b?openQrModal=true
In this issue, I will talk about coral feeding.
I will also show you a time-lapse video of a coral feeding scene that you do not often have a chance to see.

Coral, the jewel in the ocean
It took many years to finally create this “miracle of colorful beauty”!
There is a beauty that makes you forget your daily life.
It is like a scattering of jewels that makes you forget about your daily life.

We are a channel that conveys the “joy of cultivating” such coral with correct knowledge and techniques.
This is a channel that conveys the joy of growing coral with correct knowledge and techniques.

#サンゴ #スコリミア #マメスナ #タイムラプス #Timelapse #Coral #水槽 #アクアリウム
